Monday, September 30, 2019

African American and American Society Essay

Is Racism a Permanent feature of American Society? Derrick Bell argues in this issue that the prospects for achieving racial equality in the United States are â€Å"illusory for Blacks. Bell reminds us despite the fact of the progress of blacks in United States; the legacy of slavery has left a portion of the race â€Å"with life-long poverty and soul devastating despair†. Bell believes that race consciousness is so imbedded in whites that it is virtually impossible to rise above it. He also argues that â€Å"few whites are able to identify with blacks as a group† and tend to view blacks through â€Å"comforting racial stereotypes†. Bell feels strongly that critical and proper examination of the history of black-white relations supports his conclusion that racism is a permanent feature of American Society. Bell makes some good point about racism in the American society today. The fact that the psychical part of racism is gone does not mean that racism as permanently left American Society. The fact that racism still â€Å"exist† is does not reflect on blacks’ success any longer. Majority of whites had a head start because their generation of success goes so many years back, were as for blacks success was not allowed at a point in time. Blacks have come a long ways over the years but there is still racial discrimination that â€Å"affects† the black population. Dinesh D’Souza does not agree with Bell, he believes that racism is not a permanent Strain of fabric in the American Society. D’Souza distinguishes between racial discrimination that is â€Å"irrational, motivated by bigotry† and which is â€Å"rational from the point of view of the discriminator. † D’Souza admits that such discrimination may be harmful to individual blacks but he rejects any casual linkage between the lagging indicators of blacks’ overall progress with racial discrimination. He believes race is a diminishing force within American society, D’Souza argues that factors other than racial discrimination are the sources of lagging process toward the American Dream. D’Souza reasoning for blacks not achieving more in America is because blacks fail to observe and embrace certain cultural norms of the dominant American Society. He implies that those who are successful exhibit cultural values that promote success. He states blacks need to place a much greater emphasis on overcoming cultural barriers rather than continuing to assert that race is being held by a persistent racism that afflicts America. Black’s generation has come a long way in American Society. Racism shouldn’t be the excuse for the failure in African American success when in 1919- current we have African American first. Slavery started around 1808 and ended in 1865 due to Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation. Racism was still in effect because the fact that blacks had rights was new. Still in all there were blacks who succeed shortly after that time. Madame C. J. Walker was the first African American female who was a self-made millionaire. In 1893 Dr. Daniel Hale Williams was the first black to perform open heart surgery. In 1908 Jack Johnson was the First African-American world heavyweight Champion. In 1993 Toni Morrison was the first African-American to win the Nobel Prize for literature. In 2009 Barack Obama was the first black president of the United States, with the support of some whites. Racism still is â€Å"permanent† due to history but it is not an excuse for Blacks not becoming successful. Derrick bell major argument is that blacks are faced at the bottom of the well. Bell exclaims despite undeniable progress for many, no African American is insulated from incidents of racial discrimination. He states because of our color we are threaten through our lives, careers. Dinesh D’Souza states racism undoubtedly exists, but it no longer has the power to thwart blacks or any other group in achieving their economic, political, and social aspirations. The arguments relates to the overall theme because yes, racism still occurs but it should not pun Blacks from achieving their aspiration. Bell major point is as a Black he experiences the racism. Blacks can work in a white community and experience racism because whites fear the superiority of blacks. D’Souza points out in his argument that racism is the least bit worries blacks should have, when there are black on black crime occurring. Racism should not be such an excuse for â€Å"underclass† blacks not achieving their goals. D’Souza points out the facts where African Americans now live in a country where black man, Colin Powell, who three decades ago could not be served in restaurants, is now a Joint chief staff. Also a white man who supported the nomination of Clarence Thomas, a black man married to a white, for the Supreme Court. D’Souza question is if white racism controls the density of blacks today, how one segment of black community has prospered so much over the past generation. Some unsupported claims in bells argument was he says, â€Å"Modern discrimination is, moreover, not practiced indiscriminately. † Bell implies whites idolize black athletes and entertainers but refuse to hire and work with blacks. Bell also states whites who number individuals blacks among their closest friends approve, or do not oppose, practices that bar selling or renting homes or apartments in their neighborhood to blacks they do not know. Then in his argument he also states that most hotels and restaurants, who offer black patrons courteous treatment, uniformly reject black job applicants. Bell defense for this was â€Å"When did you last see black waiter in a really good restaurant†. These are unsupported claims because this may be true but there are no proven facts that racist is the cause of these arguments. In D’Souza arguments there were not any unsupported claims really found. D’Souza stated his arguments and had accurate information to support his defense. D’Souza makes great points and has a lot of validity in his arguments. He states if blacks are going to reform their community, they have a right to expect that they will be treated equally under law. Hypothetically speaking D’Souza implies if blacks were refused hire on every baseball team in America, blacks would suffer most because they would be denied the chance to play professional baseball. Fans would also suffer because the quality of games would diminish. He says â€Å"But what if a few team-say the New York Yankees and the Los Angeles Dodgers- refused to hire blacks? † African Americans has a group would hardly suffer at all, because they would offer there service to other teams. D’Souza saying the Yankees and the Dodgers would suffer a great deal, because they would be deprived of the chance to hire talented blacks’ players. Eventually the competitive pressure would force those teams to either hire blacks or suffer losses in games and revue. Then he makes another valid point he referenced from Gary Becker pointed out, in free market, selective discrimination imposes the heaviest cost on the discriminator where it should be. Some whites will undoubtedly discriminate against blacks but with deal with them because of the law and taste for profit. *Dinesh D’Souza is an Indian American conservative political commentator, public intellectual and current president of the King’s College in New York City. He graduated from Dartmouth College, where he graduated with a B. A. in English. D’Souza also published a book in 2007 called The Enemy at home: the cultural left and its responsibility for 9/11. In his argument D’Souza used government documents, books, articles and oral very frequently. D’Souza would state his opinion and have facts and documents to support his defense. No, the reading did not significantly add to my knowledge because these are issues that has been discussed for many years. In the article I did learn some new ways of thinking of Racism. This article did broaden my thoughts with the factual evidence the authors used to support their defense. I would recommend this article to be read to those who do not have a clear understanding of the term racism. The subject that was focus on in this case study is racism a permanent feature of American Society? The case study focused on political, social and economic issues. Bell argued blacks will never gain full equality in American and D’Souza argued that blacks have equality and racism is not important issue blacks should be worried about in today society.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


A Modern Day Transcendentalist The story of Chris McCandless is an inspiring one. Transcendentalism is the act of finding inner peace and relaxing. David Henry Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson are two authors who are transcendentalists. The idea of transcendentalism was started in America in the 1850’s. Chris McCandless is a college student who decides to become a transcendentalist. Chris McCandless is an example of a modern day transcendentalist because he fits the ideals of Walden, Self Reliance, and Civil Disobedience.One of the big ideas of Walden is that a person needs to separate himself from society to inner peace. Thoreau writes â€Å"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life. † Chris McCandless fits this idea because he goes into the woods to find inner peace after college along with other adventures in the desert and Denali National Park. Another big idea of Walden is a person only needs to live with th e essentials. Thoreau writes â€Å"†¦ to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms. Chris McCandless fits this idea because he only brings a backpack, a gun, a bag of rice, and a sleeping bag into the woods. Nature has a lot to teach is also a big idea of Walden. Thoreau writes â€Å"†¦and see if I could not learn what it had to teach. † Chris McCandless fits this idea because he learns a lot of survival techniques while in nature and he lives and dies while in nature. One of the big ideas in Self Reliance is trust yourself. Emerson writes â€Å"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Chris McCandless fits this idea because whenever he is offered help he declines it. Another big idea of Self Reliance is do not be afraid to be different and do not conform to others standards. Emerson writes â€Å"Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist. † Chris McCandless fits this idea because he does not care what other people think about him and he did not conform to others expectations. For example his parents want him to go to college and he decides not to because he wants to go into the wild. Do not envy what others have is another big idea of Self Reliance.Emerson writes â€Å"There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance. † Chris McCandless fits this idea because rejects supplies, his parents, his car, and help. One of the big ideas of Civil Disobedience is laws do not have to be followed because each person should make their own laws. Thoreau writes â€Å"That government is best which governs not at all. † Chris McCandless fits this idea because he goes to Mexico without a passport, he kayaks into Mexico, he burns his money, and he train hops.Another big idea of Civil Disobedience is the majority is not always right and that people should follow their own beliefs and thoughts. Thoreau writes â€Å"When the power is once in the hand s of the people, a majority are permitted, and for a long period continue, to rule, is not because they are most likely to be in the right, nor because this seems fairest to the minority, but because they are physically the strongest. † Chris McCandless fits this idea because people may not support his way of life because it is against how the majority live.He lives differently in a lot of people’s eyes because he lives out in the woods instead of being with society. Based on his belief in the ideals of Walden, Self Reliance, and Civil Disobedience, Chris McCandless is a modern day transcendentalist. This type of lifestyle is not all that abnormal. Many people in the world live just like Chris McCandless. They all want to get away of society and live peacefully. The story of Chris McCandless gained popularity in the late 1990’s. One reason people are drawn to this story is because McCandless is a young guy and lives such a different lifestyle.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How Might Prejudice Develop and How Might It Be Reduced? Essay

A judgment or opinion made without adequate knowledge; to Prejudge, to pass judgement or form premature opinion. We can break the word prejudice down into two parts to give clearer understanding of its meaning, Pre is before and judice is to make judgement, so it is a negative preconceived judgement on an individual or group prior to seeking full knowledge or understanding about them. Prejudice effects many aspects of today’s society. Racism, sexism and homophobia are all examples of discrimination against a group that they may feel does not fit in to their norms in society. This can stretch further to prejudice against single parents, students, the elderly, the disabled, Goths, Emo’s, basically any group can be subjected to a form of prejudice. These negative preconceived ideas affect the way we treat people on a day to day basis. It is fair to say that most people would like to think they are tolerant of others and are not prejudice but it is unlikely that these people have no prejudice at all, it is inevitable that certain groups would not personally appeal to everyone and we may be drawn to other groups for company. There are three elements of prejudice. The cognitive element which are ideas about a particular group which form stereotypes. The affective element involves feelings in relation to a certain group, these feelings could include anger, disgust, intimidation or even hate. The behavioural element involves actions taken to express these feelings, for instance an individual may avoid a certain group or individual belonging to a group, they may become abusive either verbally or physically, in extreme circumstances this discrimination can lead to such atrocities as the Holocaust where millions of Jews were exterminated. The media has a massive impact on our opinions of others. It may not be that someone expressing prejudice has had direct contact or experience of a group or individual from a group but they may have formed opinions based on propaganda, parental influences, authoritative figures, peer pressure or ignorance. The social learning theory suggests that negative thoughts or prejudices are learnt from society, for example parents, friends or colleagues. We are not born with negative thoughts/ preconceived ideas for others therefore it must be a learnt ideation. Psychology gives two main approaches to describe the ‘prejudice’ phenomenon, with many psychologist contributing with studies regarding prejudice for example; The Robber’s cave, Sherif (1956). This looked at whether prejudice could be created within a group. Social Factors of prejudice suggests that prejudice is a result of group interaction. Sherif conducted an experiment in 1956 to promote the theory suggesting that â€Å"when groups interact with one another they will inevitably generate attitudes towards each other†. The Robbers Cave experiment took a group of carefully selected boys, with no known hostile attitudes towards each other, they split the group and introduced competition between the groups to observe the ‘natural and spontaneous development of group organisation and attitudes. ’ This is known as minimal group theory. Individual factors involved in prejudice theories suggests a â€Å"sick person model†, suggesting that prejudice is an individual occurrence relating back to unresolved childhood memories or trauma. Freud’s work with psycho-analysis on this was a major influence, that conflicts in ones childhood creates a damaged adult personality. Also theories of the authoritarian figure by Adorno et al (1950) brought the suggestion of projection of unresolved past (childhood) experiences onto minority group. The down side to this theory is that it does not explain group prejudice, it implies that prejudice is an individual process and isolated to having a sick personality. Reduction of prejudice is vital for social integration and acceptance. Prejudice has reduced over the years in many aspects, as we as a society become more acceptant of others prejudice should reduce, but there will always be a victimised group within society which is outcast. Homosexuals could not be openly gay twenty years ago but now it is seen as an acceptable part of society, although there is still animosity towards minority groups such as homosexuals they are not so widespread and outwardly visible. There are several ways of reducing prejudice within society on both an individual and social level. Ignorance has a massive impact on peoples thoughts and opinions of others as many of their opinions of others are uninformed and uneducated. Education is a vital part of reducing any kind of animosity. Schools, parents and other authoritarian figures can take an active role in educating young people about minority groups to encourage acceptance, cultural awareness within schools can be very beneficial in the acceptance process. Opinions of parents are a major influence on a children’s attitudes towards those who appear to be different to themselves, so education is not only appropriate for young people but re-education of old-school thoughts is a necessary action. Integration with other groups is very important to build understanding and empathy between cultures. Also communication is vital to encourage understanding and time to allow these things to take place, attitudes cannot change overnight. Encouraging the pursuit of common (superordinate) goals, can reduce divisions between groups, if mixed groups have a common goal to work towards they are more likely to pull together and put differences aside for the greater gain of the group. All these are options for aiding the reduction of prejudice but time, effort and desire on the part of everyone is required to achieve this reduction, but it is reasonable to say that even though prejudice can be reduced it will never be extinct; there will always be an element of prejudice within society.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Case study analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Case study analysis - Essay Example The APNPs are also expected to provide quality indicators that will assure the parents of the continued health of their children. They are however expected to act within a preset guideline that allows for structured assessment as required by the health regulators. It should also be noted that assessment is not a singular event that takes place when a child is brought in. instead, it is a continuous assessment process that dynamically changes in regard of the symptoms or results achieved with every assessment (American Academy of Paediatrics 2009:1233). It should be noted that an infant should be considered as sick unless it can be otherwise proven. This means that the APNP will have to get a good history of the illness and work on eliminating any possible illnesses until the most appropriate for the conditions observed after the assessments. As observed, child assessment is not a one-day affair. It is a continuous process that requires constant attention and keenness not to miss any cues or subtle signals that may pass unnoticed during initial testing (Barnes 2003:5). Thus, the report herein will look at the different attributes of the paediatric section and ways through which countries and researchers' advice on taking care of the children. To do this, the best method would be conducting an online search with the terms paediatric, emergency department, requirements and clinic being the key terms of reference. The search would be differentiated by how relevant the articles are on the topic of discussion. The results would then be used to provide an episodic care treatment for the sick Serena. Priorities At the moment, there are two important priorities that must take precedence in the case. First, a structured assessment is required. As noted above, the need for a continuous assessment is paramount with every step taken with deeper precaution. The dynamic nature of this assessment is also an integral part of the whole treatment regime (American Academy of Paedi atrics 2009:1233). Given the fact that particular signs and symptoms may not be as readily expressed as those of an adult or as an adult would express them, repeated observations and assessments require proper attention and vigilance to avoid a relapse or worsening of the present conditions. The paediatrics are supposed to ensure that that they have put all measures that point towards quality improvement by providing an avenue through which indicators of good outcomes, proper data collection and synthesis and clearly defined outcomes that provide evaluative measures of success to ensure quality is maintained in the ED (Barnes 2003:8-9). This also implies that paediatrics have to be flexible enough in their response to the different signs and symptoms that the child portrays after a given interval. This flexibility is also meant as an avenue through which the doctors consult on certain issues that may have arisen from their assessment and also eliminate other possibilities. The secon d priority is to have her admitted. Safety is one of the most important considerations when a child is involved. The fact that any release could lead to more fatal effects or worsening of the conditions already stated should be a pointer enough that there need to be a greater caution when dealing with infants. Unless the APNP is assured of the infant’s safety, Serena should remain in their custody till

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Please look at case study number one I will upload the assisgnment

Please look at number one I will upload the assisgnment - Case Study Example This finding resulted in the change of focus for the company from the US market to the growing market of China. Also, it needs to be mentioned that during the year 2001, the inclusion of mainland China in the WTO resulted in the eradication of limitations in regards to investment of foreign nature. This provided significant amount of momentum to the new focus of Acer. Also, the factor associated with low cost skilled manpower that is available in the Chinese markets ended up in providing strong potential for growth. It is of considerable importance to state that while concentrating on the process of altering the focus of the company, the top management realized that the key to achieving growth in the foreign markets is highly linked to the factor of attaining significant strong point in the local market. Talking more specifically in regards to what has been desired as the ‘divide and conquer approach of Acer’, it can be said that the company’s top management assum ed that by gaining the economies of scale in the local market of China, it will develop an upper hand in regards to developing more innovative products that will help the company to strengthen its position in the local market as well as develop an edge in regards to capturing the international market (Electronic Business Asia, p .34). It is of considerable importance to highlight the fact that the paradox related to the company’s focus on the global and local markets is part of company’s long terms strategy. It is relevant to mention that during the middle of the 90’s period, the company was facing issues of depreciating sales in the markets of the United States. Significant analysis by the company in regards to the causes associated with the slowdown in sales resulted in a strategic change of the company. The top management of Acer realized that for

Wellness and Wellbeing - staff wellbeing report Essay

Wellness and Wellbeing - staff wellbeing report - Essay Example This is a lifelong process which each and every staff must consider and it is supposed to be a lifestyle. Apart from the employees taking care of their wellness through adopting healthy lifestyles, it is also the mandate of every employer to be able to provide an environment that encourages the wellness of the employees. It is necessary to for any members of staff to be have a well rounded wellbeing. Yet, a closer look at the EC staff may indicate that they are not as equipped to achieve this as they should. These members of staff deal with a delicate task of shaping the future of young ones. This report outlines the issues affecting the EC staff wellbeing. Wellbeing for these staff should include occupational, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual and emotional dimension. Wellness and wellbeing, according to Donatelle (2006), is a multidimensional issue. According to him, there are sic dimensions to Wellness and wellbeing which include occupational, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual and emotional, wellbeing. This dimension of wellness and wellbeing involves the way a person interacts with their environment and the community around them. For a person to have proper wellness and wellbeing, they must interact with their environment and community in a way that they make better living condition and healthy social environment for others. Wellness and wellbeing are also affected by the person’s ability to involve themselves in physical activities and also in other behavior that affect physical wellness such as eating healthy food. In a modern world where people have hardly any time for physical activity and most of the careers are very inactive in nature. More persons are unable to ever have any meaningful physical activity and this affects their wellness and wellbeing. The fact that most people are too busy these days also means that they may not have time to prepare healthy means for themselves and their families. Wellness and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Financial Literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Literacy - Essay Example This essay will explore several articles on the topics of career and jobs, and saving. After some time on a job, one may get a better offer from another firm or decide it is time to move on. During such a time, it is important for one to know that when changing jobs will have financial implications and that there are factors a person has to take into account. An individual should put in place plans that will ensure that his financial health is stable in the period between transitions of jobs (Farr, 2002). One could, for example, have insurance policies that will ensure he gets certain benefits. Having reserve funds will also be ideal to be able to sustain oneself witin the short-term period (Certified Financial Planners Board of Standards, 2005). One should always prepare for retirement as early as possible. This calls for the need to save enough for the future, to ensure that there are enough resources to sustain one throughout the period after retirement. In addition, job security is never guaranteed, thus, a person should always have a contingency plan in case one loses her or his job. This information will help me to secure my financial future as early as possible and prepare for unplanned circumstances (Claman, 2001). During the beginning and peak of one’s career, an individual may earn more than he will need for immediate consumption; hence, he will need to save for future times when he may not be able to have a constant income or his needs exceeds the current income. Saving can also be a way of creating more wealth and having another extra source of income. Saving can also be viewed from another perspective, which is in terms of the money one spends on a commodity or service. Different services and products have a range of prices depending on the quality, amount and type among other factors. Based on this, one should evaluate the product that he is buying and analyse whether he can get the same at a lower price.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

American vs. UAE Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American vs. UAE Culture - Essay Example The culture of this country has unique social and cultural characteristics, which include dialects, music, art, social habits, cuisine, and folklore. This has made the country unique and diverse ethnically and racially. One major contributing factor was the large-scale immigration from many different countries through the history of the country (Graham, 2008). The major influencers of American culture came from the British. That is, English, Scottish, and Irish settlers who colonized the colonial America. This contributes greatly to the spread of English language, the legal system, and the cultural inheritances. It resulted to formative influence. The rest of the influences came from Germany, France, and Italy. The culture of America encompasses both liberal and conservative elements. The country also has military and scientific competitiveness, political structures, and risk taking expressions. This has challenged me in a great way and I have always admired this culture. Their polit ical structures are accommodative of the foreign investors who contribute in large scale in the USA economy. Their political structures have influenced the world over and play a major role to determining and overseeing that democracy and peace have been maintained in the world. I am a great advocator of democracy and I feel that the will of the majority of these people should be respected. In this country, I would feel free to interact with various business people who have been my mentors (Marsden, 2006). The American culture is also characterized by consistent ideological principles such as individualism, egalitarianism, and faith in freedom and democracy. The culture is also shaped by the variety of expressions due to the countries lager geographic scale and demographic diversity. The culture is also flexible and it is highly symbolic. It has invited researchers to research on it and most of them have found out that the culture is mythic. They mean that the culture of this country is a mystery that is yet to be unveiled. Other researchers say that the culture is exceptionalism (Neil & Kean, 1997). The culture also includes some principles, which evolved from the Native Americans including other cultural and ethnic subtitles. The dominant of these cases is the inclusion of the culture of African Americans and different cultures from Latin Americans. These cultures are highly exported to the modern world through mass media such as television, which are the greatest influencers in the modern world. Other influencers have been radio, music and books (Plotnicov, 1990). There is no official language in the US but 30 federal states have passed a legislation, which makes English the official language. However, the culture of this country accommodates other foreign languages. There are 891 different languages spoken in this country Spanish being the second language spoken by many people. I am conversant with the English language and this would not pose a threat when I go there to do business. Being from United Arabs Emirates, the dominant religion in my country is Islam. The Muslim people are mostly conservative in their culture and like to uphold what they believe in. However, the religion of America is mostly Christian. This has shaped the country a lot in terms of their attitude. Majority of the Americans claim that religion played an important role in their lives. This is according to Pew Global Attitudes Project, of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Tourism Marketing Information and London's Image Management Dissertation

Tourism Marketing Information and London's Image Management - Dissertation Example The paper is also going to look at how London as the selected tourist destination has been managed to maintain and improve its image all over the world. This study has been developed on the basis of previous researches conducted on the role played by marketing information and management on the image destination. It was realized that tourist information sources and proper destination management play a significant role when it comes to destination image. This empirical research was carried out to examine the relationship proposed by the paper. The findings show that there exists a positive relationship between marketing information and proper management with destination image. The marketing information is related to London’s accessibility, its culture, its operating intermediaries, its people and its weather. The management of a tourist’s destination as well as the marketing information has to take into consideration what is expected by the tourists and the stakeholders a nd what is delivered. To show this, primary data was collected from selected areas in London and a qualitative analysis done to analyze the content from the viewers. In addition, secondary data was collected from different sampled blogs after which the information was equally analyzed. The findings of the study show that there is a positive correlation between reliable marketing information and proper destination management with destination image. Table of Contents Table of Contents i List of figures v List of Tables vi Appendix vii Acknowledgements viii Declaration of Originality ix Executive Summary x Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Objectives and Aims 4 1.3 Research Motivation 6 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Background of London Tourism Market 10 2.2 Tourism Marketing Information 11 2.2.1 Importance Of Information 12 2.2.2 Areas for Information Generation 14 Sources Of Information 15 2.3 Image Management 20 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 27 3.1 Research The ory and Research Strategy 27 3.2 Data collection 28 3.2.1 Primary Research Method 28 Questionnaire 31 3.2.2 Second Research Method 34 3.3 Qualitative Content Analysis 36 3.3.1 Analysis of the Questionnaires 36 3.3.2 Analysis of the Blogs 37 3.4 Credibility, Validity and Reliability 39 Chapter 4 Findings 42 4.1 Findings of the Research 42 Chapeter 5: Discussion 50 5.1 Discussion of the Research 50 Chapter 6: Conclusion 56 6.1 Conclusion of the Research 56 6.2 Limitations And Future Recommendations 59 REFERENCES 61 List of figures Figure 1 9 List of Tables Table 1 35 Table 2 44 Table 3 46 Table 4 47 Table 5 48 Table 6 49 Table 7 50 Appendix List Appendix A 111 Appendix B 112 Appendix C 113 Appendix D 114 Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank my family for the support, sacrifice and encouragement during the completion of my dissertation. My family stood out as a strong pillar during the many months of juggling family with school. I would also like to express my s incere gratitudes to my poarents who remained confidence in me and my abilities Second, many thanks go to my supervisor whose guidance and patience helped me to take each step of this journey. Lastly, I would like to thank my RA’s and my friends who went to great lengths to help me in gatheruing the data required to complete this study Thank you deeply to all of you! . Declaration of Originality MASTERS DISSERTATION SUBMISSION FORM Student’

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Charles Chocolate case Essay Example for Free

Charles Chocolate case Essay Traelene beals â€Å"9am Friday† First, a formal case analysis This should be written in a business style format using short paragraphs and sentences, self-explanatory headings, and any figures/tables that would facilitate reading. Reports are to be no longer than 2000 words (excluding appendices Issues to be addressed – No measures of productivity or efficiaency in the plant- no way of telling if the plant was doing a good job. Difficult demand forcasting due to seasonality of sales. 2 new stores had ok type sales. Best clients of Wholesale sales changed focus on cheaper items and also own products. Sales agents could be fired with 90 days notice. Other parts of US haven’t heard of us. Of the 221 wholesale customers purchase just $1000 worth of products. Other 125 purchase between 1000 and 2000 per year. Sales agents, don’t know how to represent the all products. Speculating future orders from wholesale clients to customize boxes and logos-waste of capital. 60% of the total online/phone orders were from existing customers. Online sales haven’t grown – orders processed within 3-4 days. Why ship internationaly(only 5%)—Antartica Really Summer problem at Sandwich heaven – why did staff leave? How to get new staff in this tight labour market. Marketing service – old fashioned — Undefined Target market? Packaging ? (tourists publicatins, seasonal print media and radio spots) How to increase awareness without diluting the brand. Leverage on solid search engine raankings to promote online sales Basic website, reminder service to customers-good/bad? Sales agents dint provide links to top accounts. Companies revenues had grown because of Sandwich heaven(franchising) High reliability on tourism. Corporate gift marketing – 25% discount – market was good – Explore boston ? ice cream sales Increase retail penetration? Acquire a niche chocolate company? What about the tradiotnal brand name? Internal capacity? Relocate factory? Background Charles produced high-quality, hand wrapped chocolates, Portland creams. Best quality, many loyal customers across the world. Huge factory(24000 sq foot)-owned-. Only 75 retail and 35 production employees, 20 in management. Working hours 7am-4pm(each day). Leverage long shelf life Wholesale production required early planning and online sales required late production†¦ Production planning was completed by data distortions arising from out-of stock and over stock issues. – out of stock-over production – killed the pricing – by discount pricing. Special orders put the whole order on a stand still Retail stores provided 50% of sales. – Wholesale had 30% of sales – Charles is just used as an add on product. Online and phone – online 4% of total sales. –phone is 6% of total sales60% of all these orders were from regular orders.. Avg sales $138 by phone and $91 from website†¦High growth industry†¦ Sandwich heaven – 10% of sales Industry High demand for organic/dark chocolate- anti oxidant properties.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Super Size Me: Film Report

Super Size Me: Film Report Chapter I: Introduction Morgan Spurlock the director of Super Size Me went on a daring adventure to test whether the claims made by two overweight/obese teenagers was true. Two teenagers claimed that they had received their condition as a result from the McDonalds Cooperation by eating their fast food. Seeing how McDonalds is the most populous fast food restaurant in the world. Many Americans do indeed follow a fast food diet but are unaware of the exact health results. Since America is growing in the percentage of overweight/ obese people in America there should be some data on what fast food restaurants have in this issue. Obesity has become a major health problem in the United States; with over 60% of adult Americans beingobese. Obesity can lead to an array of other diseases, an increased risk of illness and premature death. Chapter II: Review of Literature The documentary, Super Size Me, was not only created to show the harmful effects of eating fast food, namely McDonalds. Morgan created the film to show that fast food has become a fixture in our countrys culture. I learned the ongoing and fast rate obesity is growing. Diabetes is also playing a key role as well as psychological changes and side effects that can result from a high fatty diet. Marketing campaigns by fast food markets are stronger and louder than healthy eatingmessages. Being obese has now become the second largest preventable cause of death falling behind cigarette users. Each day, one in four Americans visits a fast food restaurant. This figure shows how the fast food market has really taken a grasp on American lifestyles with eating. With McDonalds making up of 43 percent of the fast food market today and shelling out more money in advertising alone compared to health food ads, its easy to see how the convenience of fast food has taken apart of Americans â€Å"culture†. In general, children and adolescents are eating more food away from home, drinking more sugar-sweetened drinks, and snacking on food that cost generally less than their healthy counterparts. Convenience has become one of the main criteria for Americans food choices today, leading more and more people to consume quick service or restaurant meals or to buy ready-to-eat, meals to prepare at home rather than the ordinary home-style cooking by the mother due to the fact that this requires far more work. Only 21 percent of young people eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. 32 percent of adolescent girls and 52 percent of adolescent boys consume three or more eight ounce servings of soda per day. And with, schools currently decreasing the amount of free play and physical activity that children receive during school hours this does not add up to a particularly healthy lifestyle. Only about one-third of elementary children have daily physical education, in which this time of life can set the tone on how children will lead their lives as they later grow up into adolescents. Spurlock goes on to show how our nation is becoming morbidly obese and the fast rate it is growing just by fast food in itself. In the United States alone it has reached epidemic proportions. Being overweight during childhood and adolescence increases the risk of developing high cholesterol, hypertension, respiratory ailments, orthopedic problems, depression and type two diabetes as a youth. With over 60 percent of adult Americans beingobese side effects can result from this, hypertensionbeing one of the most common side effects of obesity. Another complication associated with obesity is diabetes, with 15 million people alone in the United States being diabetic; approximately 10 percent are juvenile onset diabetics. The other 90 percent of diabetics are type two diabetics, commonly known as adult onset. Those who develop adult onset diabetes generally are diagnosed in their middle years, between 30 to 60 years old. This type of diabetes is almost always associated with obesity. The m ajority ofobeseindividuals with diabetes can reduce their complications by losing as little as 10 percent of their current body weight. Just being diagnosed with diabetes will automatically cut 17-27 years off a human life. Overweight in children and adolescents are generally caused by a lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns resulting in excess energy intake, or a combination of the two. If people were to look at the long-term consequences, overweight adolescents have a 70 percent chance of becoming overweight or obese adults, which increases to 80 percent if one or more parent is overweight or obese. Within the documentary, Spurlock seems to contract the beginning stages of a severe condition calledsleep apnea. For people with this problem, it becomes more difficult to breathe at night as their weight increases. People with this condition typically snore severely and have episodes when they stop breathing completely, sometimes for up to one minute at a time. Sleep apnea although not as well known of a complication is still quite serious, and in many cases requires medical attention. The best method of treatment for any of the above side effects is weight loss. In 2000, the total cost of obesity for children and adults in the United States was estimated to be $117 billion ($61 billion in direct medical costs). Understanding the causes of childhood obesity can provide people with the opportunity of eating right and staying healthy. Chapter III: Methodology Before undertaking the experiment of living every childs dream by eating McDonalds for thirty days, procedures needed to be taken to ensure that data would be accurately recorded and that Spurlock would be obtaining the most accurate results possible. He must eat one of everything on the menu at least once, and when asked to super size his meal he must do so. Another requirement of Morgans experiment is that he can only take 5,000 steps a day to replicate the exercise that most average Americans get on a daily basis. He must also eat three meals a day, no exceptions and if McDonalds doesnt serve it Morgan cant eat it. To start, Morgan enlists three doctors to assist him through his thirty day documentary. A cardiologist, gastroenterologist, and a general practitioner all check him out at the beginning of the experiment. Spurlock, who stands six feet two inches tall, had a body weight of 185.5pounds, 11 percent body fat, perfect blood pressure, and cholesterol of 168, Morgan sported a very fit body before undergoing the McDiet. This is about as perfect of a body that someone can sport at the age of 32. Morgan also hires a nutritionist and dietician named Bridgett Bennet who will help track his progress. With the hypothesis of what results that may be seen from this diet, the cardiologist says that he expects to see a change in Morgans triglycerides, but he says that his liver will probably be able to metabolize the excess fat. The general practitioner says that Morgan will probably gain weight and that his cholesterol will probably go up as well. In my own personal opinion, an experiment I would use as a follow-up to Spurlocks would be a test to show more of a long term effect on eating at McDonalds. If I was a scientist and was studying the effects of eating fast-food, one way I would go about running this experiment would be to find two men of common age, height, weight, and healthy eating habits. Then I would have one of these men continue with their healthy eating, while the other man has McDonalds at least twice a week. The man who continued eating healthy would help provide a control for the experiment that Spurlock lacked. Even extending the period of the experiment to maybe two to three years will provide a more realistic view of the effects on McDonalds in a diet then an unrealistic every day and every meal experiment. Whether there would be a huge difference in the two men or none at all, I have no idea but I think that it would be a way to increase the validity of the lab that Spurlocks experiment lacked. Chapter IV: Presentation of Findings Even during the first few days of the McDonalds diet, Spurlock was showing signs of being visibly uncomfortable. One afternoon eating in his car after stopping at a drive-through, he was havingtrouble finishing his supersize fries, complaining that he was experiencing a McBelly ache, McGas, and McSweats. The results in the 30 day McDonalds diet is that there was change to the human body caused by fast food was in fact much worse than the three doctors had originally anticipated that occurred to his body after undertaking this experiment. Before, Spurlock was in taking about 2,500 calories per day, but when undergoing the McDiet, the calorie intake doubled to 5,000 per day. Morgan frequently pointed out that throughout his day, he felt depressed and sad, during his thirty day McDonalds diet. Spurlock claims he was hooked on fast food during his binge, feeling happy only while eating. I definitely went through serious withdrawal symptoms, including headaches, sweats, and shakes, and only when he ate another McDonalds meal did he find sanction from these symptoms. Over time Morgans weight dramatically increases, his health weakens and he begins to show signs of depression. Morgan at six foot two inches, 185 pounds, and 11 percent body fat was fit and lean at the start the month. After 30 days Morgan has gained 24.5 pounds and increased his body fat by seven percent, concluding that such an extreme diet really can be hazardous to your health. His cholesterol goes up, and so does his blood pressure. His doctor describes his liver function test results as obscene. His liver test came back to ratify the doctors conclusion, that his liver was starting to turn to fat. His cholesterol went from 168 to 230.He went from 11 percent body fat to 18 percent body fat. This was extreme for just thirty days. During his various checkups throughout the month, his body weight slowly increased except for one exception when one pound was lost. This is theorized that the excess fat he was obtaining was weighing less than the muscle mass that was being lost.The movi e presented some alarming facts.With only seven items on the McDonalds menu were sugar free along with the case that McDonalds can be found in nearly every city across America, this doesnt help the cause of the growing obesity pandemic in America. Chapter V: Summary/Implication/Discussion What else is there to be expected if you are eating fast food three times a day and getting little to no exercise? Since Spurlocks documentary Super Size Me argues that fast food is addictive but not in the typical way that someone would find it. It was only addictive in the case of finding a haven from the various side effects of not consuming fast food. Throughout the course of the documentary Spurlock uses humor to advance his thesis. He shows pictures of famous personalities to kids who look to be about six years in age. The children readily identify Ronald McDonald and George Washington but are stumped by a third picture. George W. Bush? one little boy ventures, No, but thats a good guess, says Spurlock, turning the picture toward the camera. Its a drawing of Jesus Christ. How does this help further prove that children are on a course of obesity just because they can identify the leading fast food figure? Its not the kids to blame that Ronald McDonald spends a great deal of time on commercials of children television commercials than Jesus himself does. As with Spurlocks exercise in extreme eating, Im not sure what that proves. The fact that kids know who Ronald McDonald is does not mean they will end up becoming obese. Similarly, Spurlock asks a group of tourists to stand in front of the White House and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, which they have trouble doing accurately and in unison. But when he asks about the components of a Big Mac, one of them wattles off, Two all-beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun. Im sure that if I went on to remember the list of what a Big Mac consists of, I can still avoid eating one. Throughout the movie I found one particular quote that stood out to me apart from the rest. It came from the words of Jared Fogle, the man off of the Subway commercials, commenting to a obese family that The worlds not going to change. You have to change. All in all, I think that this experiment was not valid. However, the effects resulting from Spurlocks experiment were too good to be true. Supersize Me† showed me very interesting things about eating at McDonalds. For example, it helped me realize that eating at McDonalds is a consumers choice. The meals provide a quick, easy, and cheap way to fill a persons stomach which definitely attracts many customers to eat at a restaurant. There is without a doubt that fast food comes at a costly sacrifice and being absurdly unhealthy. People, if they realized the facts of what they were eating you cant blame them for wanting a crack at the fast food industry of what it has done to their body. However the catch is, its your own choice to purchase the food they are selling. If people are really worried about their health, then they should take the measures of looking up exactly what it is they are consuming. Within months after the films release McDonalds excluded the Supersizing option. Nutrition information was printed right on food packages, and thousands of people may have started thinking twice before considering McDonalds for a meal. In this case of the documentary, â€Å"Supersize Me† was a hit success.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Nursing Intervention for Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Nursing Intervention for Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) The physical and emotional symptoms of PMS are common but it doesnt mean that all girls will develop PMS. The symptoms start about a week or two weeks prior to the period for most of the girls who experience PMS. Life style changes including dietary modifications are the commonly used to treat the symptoms ( The cause of PMS is explained with list of given biological theories. It including conditions likes deficiency of progesterone in the luteal phase of menstrual cycle and deficiencies of vitamin. As per the researchers 70% to 90% of women experience PMS during child bearing years at some time, it usually happens at the age of 25 to 45. (http/ Estrogen and progesterone are two essential hormones involved during ovulation and menstruation .There are certain hormonal changes namely rise in estrogen and fall in progesterone during PMS. When estrogen / progesterone ratio is high it interferes with brain neurotransmitters which control the basic unit of mood and pain. Regular menstrual cycle among women is natural process PMS is included as a part of it. The incidences of PMS are caused by other factors also. The other factors identified are hereditary, caffeine, stress, aging, medical history, tobacco, family history and diet plays a vital role ( The environmental play a important role in influences on PMS causing different other symptoms. Some researchers categorized four types of PMS. Some of the women may present with only one type of PMS, some can have 2 or 3 types, and few women have all four types. PMS-A is related with anxiousness and tension of the muscles. PMS-C includes cravings for sweets, dark chocolates and carbohydrate rich diet. PMS-D refers to emotional problems prior to menstruation. PMS-H includes tenderness in the breast and gain in weight because of retention of water. (http/ There are different types of supplements naturally done which can highly cause reduction of the symptoms of PMS. Continuously using fish oil for two months is beneficial in reducing PMS symptoms. Fatigue, irritability, tenderness of breast and extremities swelling can be relieved by using evening primrose oil (http/ NEED FOR THE STUDY PMS usually happens one week or 2 weeks prior to periods. Totally 150 symptoms are actually found which occurs during PMS. The identified common symptoms are mood disturbances, tenderness of breast, bloating of the abdomen, acne, cravings for certain foods, increased appetite and thirsty feeling and fatigue. Other symptoms included are difficulty in passing stools and loose stools, feeling irritated, mood change and feeling down. ( As there is no specific laboratory test to diagnose PMS, in order to establish a pattern, a gynecologist ask the patient to record her symptoms at least for two menstrual cycles. This will help to establish if the symptoms are truly premenstrual and predictably recurring. If symptoms increase in 30% in six days before menstruation, then it is identified case of pre menstrual syndrome needs treatment (www.goodevening The premenstrual symptom is a complex one. Many women experience this symptoms ranging from moderate to severe. To manage PMS the initial step is daily regular exercise and change in diet. A life style changes is sufficient to control symptoms for women with mild symptoms. ( The treatment of PMS varies from woman to woman; the patient is advised on various treatment modalities like diet, home remedies, contraceptives, exercise, herbal treatment, dietary supplements, and diuretics. ( Studies revealed that many foods including soy, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit, nuts and seeds are really effective in balancing the hormone. The women who sufferers with PMS are advised to make changes in diet such as consumption of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, cereals and whole grains, dairy products of low fat and sea foods. It is recommended that having frequent meals in small quantity each day helps to reduce fullness and abdominal bloating.( Research in this area can be given high priority since these symptoms will affect females daily routine activity. Several studies highlighted that the symptoms can be improved with plenty of sleep, vitamin supplements and exercise. Even non- pharmacological measure like healthy diet, life style changes, some home remedies which indirectly contribute to reduce the symptoms. These aspects impressed the researcher, thereby felt the need do a study in this same area and to find the effectiveness on Planned Nursing Intervention on management of PMS among college students who has been experiencing pre menstrual syndrome. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Planned Nursing Intervention on management of Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) in terms of intensity of symptoms, knowledge and attitude among college girls in a selected educational institution, Salem. OBJECTIVES To prepare and validate the Planned Nursing Intervention on management of PMS among samples. To assess and compare the mean pre-test and mean post-test intensity of PMS among samples. To assess and compare mean pre-test and mean post-test knowledge score on management of PMS among samples. To assess and compare mean pre-test and mean post-test attitude score on PMS among samples. To find association between the pre-test level of knowledge on management of PMS among samples and their selected demographic variables- age at menarche and family history of PMS. HYPOTHESES: (Level of significance p

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Western :: Papers

Western Some stupid cowboy guy went into a dump of a town called Wisbech. The local Sheriff came up to him, "what are you doing here," he asked. "None of your business," replied the stranger calmly. "Ok, pay your tax," said the sheriff. "Go to hell!" said the Stranger, as he divedto the side drawing his Colt 45 pistol, firing only one shot towards the small town sheriff, the stranger rolled behind a barrel then ran off down a back alley behind the saloon. The bullet hit a window just next to the sheriff, shattering it. The shot automatically brought out the deputy sheriff from the sheriff's office; he appeared with a benneli 12 ball shotgun poised ready to protect his sheriff. The deputy ran over to the sheriff, "I'm too old for this crap," the sheriff said just after what seemed a never ending sigh. Days passed without any sighting of this certain stranger, but things had started to happen, things that hadn't happened previously such as bread and beer being stolen, a horse equipped with a saddle, shotgun and rounds had been stolen during the night from outside the blacksmiths. On April the 9th this stranger decided to go for a drink, he rode the stolen horse right up to the side of the saloon, jumped off and slowly walked in. He walked up to the bar sat down and shouted "service! Service." The bar tender strolled up to this man and replied. "Yes, sir and how can we help you today?" "Get me a beer," the stranger replied in a disgruntled manner. The sheriff and his deputy walked in at this point, they walked either side of this half drunk stranger, each putting their hands on each of his shoulders, he spun round grabbing the guns from both of their holsters and rolled backwards over the bar, he lifted his hat. The sheriff recognised his face but where from? "Leave me alone or else!" the tall, dark scruffy looking stranger threatened. "Or else what?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Future of Computer Programming :: Essays Papers

The Future of Computer Programming Computers are probably the most important invention of this century if not of all time. Right now people use computers for just about everything in the world and they are becoming a necessity in peoples’ lives just as many other new technologies. To say you cannot use a computer this day and age is almost like saying you are illiterate. In order for computers to function and be accessible to people there must be applications or instructions for the computer. In order to make these applications one must write them by programming in a certain computer language. These languages are usually somewhat hard to learn and many people shy away from them. As technology has progressed there has been the development of new and easier programming languages but it is still hard for children and others without much computer experience to learn. Since there is this dilemma in the world today, the many computer scientists and computer experts have come together to discuss new ways of approachin g the problem. One solution to this problem was the development of visual languages such as Visual C++ and Visual Basic. There also new languages being developed and improved on such as XML and Ruby. Many other languages are being developed at this moment and someday there will be languages simple enough for everyone to use. The first form of programming appeared about the same time as the invention of one of the first computers in 1942, known as the ENIAC. Programming for this was very tedious and required the setting of switches and rewiring of wires. Programming for this computer progressed after some time but took a major turn in 1957 when the first of the many major languages came about known as FORTRAN. FORTRAN was good at scientific programming, but it had no help on the business world. In 1959 a new language called COBOL came about and it became known as the programming language for businesses. In 1958 a language was developed that would have a huge effect on the programming industry. A scientific committee came up with the Algol language which led to creation of the popular languages we have today like C, C++, Java, and Pascal. In 1964 one of the first attempts at making a language for non-computer science people was developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz called BASIC. In 1972 C was created b y Dennis Ritchie and probably has had the biggest effect on computer of all the languages.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Different History Essay

The only thing worse than watching your own culture disappear is to see your own grandchildren not knowing a single thing about their native culture. The speaker of the poem A Different History, by an Indian Poet named Sujata Bhatt, expresses her feelings towards the change of her culture after the British Colonization. In this poem, the speaker explains in a disappointed tone how the culture and language changed as the generations passed on. Using strong diction and repetitions in each stanza, she describes how the culture is changing and how the people are affected too. See more: My Writing Process Essay 1 At the very first stanza, Bhatt used poetic devices such as allusions and imagery to capture the scene of the first generation of India where the British Colonization hasn’t occurred. The feeling of freedom and peace can be captured in this stanza: Here the gods roam freely, disguised as snakes or monkeys; every tree is sacred At the first three lines, Bhatt explains how India is beautiful by using an allusion of the Greek God named Pan, the God of nature. She uses the allusion of God of Pan because she’s telling us that the current culture and the past culture are still linked together. And by that she means even the Indians doesn’t belief in the western gods (Pan), but she uses the allusion of Pan to state that India is beautiful because Pan is the God of nature. And also, she stated that India is a very peaceful and holy environment and even the trees are holy too, by using imagery of gods wandering around in the jungle and trees being â€Å"sacred†. 2 Also, during the first generation, Bhatt uses the repetition of the sentence â€Å"a sin† as her choice of words to emphasize how important that particular word is and how it affects the culture. She said that it is a sin because as the generation grows, more and more people would not appreciate books because technologies are part of our daily lives now. Not only that, she advises the reader ‘you’ to be gentle to a book, without disturbing Sarasvati, a Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, arts and science (allusion), and not ‘offending’ the tree, for it is sacred, because you make papers for the books from it: You must learn how to turn the pages gently 3 And then now, on the second stanza, the changes of culture slowly happen during the second generation (the children of the first generation). Bhatt mentioned ‘oppressor’s tongue’ which clearly shows that India already has people in control of them (the British Colonization has happen). She also uses the word ‘murder’ which is a very strong diction to say that people had killed during that time: †¦has not been the oppressor’s tongue? †¦truly meant to murder someone? 4 While going into the third generation (grandchildren of the first generation), Bhatt expressed in a curious tone that why would the people in the third generation will like the language of the winners’, which she stated as a strange language. She uses the word â€Å"conquerors† to show that the British men had won over their country. And also, we can picture that many had died in cruel ways during the British Colonization including their ancestors by her using strong in this last stanza such as â€Å"torture† and â€Å"soul had been cropped out†. This stanza showed that the culture had been changed and soon the later generations will forget about their original culture: the unborn grandchildren grow to love that strange language.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Operations Management Cds

Not only new machines gave high radioactivity, it allowed production costs to be low and CDC targeted smaller molding companies. New large multi-cavity molding machines used I Small injection molding machines meant small variety of products could only be materiality of products can be made at short notice Variety of products can be made at short notice Although production becomes flexible, the drawback of this Is the complexity of changing moulds on large machines that leads to a prolonged process.Trading Is stable and production process becomes more of routine work. I Variation is high as they have same contracts to take orders so they know what's products was good and distribution channels were excellent. Distribution channels re good but cost has incurred in express delivery made by CDC instead of customer. Distribution channels are good but cost has incurred in express delivery made by CDC instead of customer.I Having problems of getting use to sub-contracting and recognizing on what ‘standards of quality there should be in their products I According to the ‘Four Vs.' analysis and Hayes and Wheelwright's four stages of operational contribution (shown in appendix 1), CDC have moved from ‘stage 2' that is Externally Neutral to ‘stage 3' of being Internally supportive by implementing a new strategy from moving from focus products to concept products. CDC were already popular with focus products so their previous operations were giving a fair contribution to the organization.The Volume' in the four Vs.' analysis has increased operational capabilities but to a certain extent as there still is a drawback of no planning in sale forecasts and production time wasted in changing moulds. Each area in the ‘Four Vs. analysis is what actually contributed in CDC to implement a new strategy. Operations taking place at CDC allow CDC to build upon their ‘stage 2' strategy according to Hayes and Wheelwrights four stages (see appendix 1). Po sitive factors such as increase in productivity and wide variety of products leads to more outputs and results in increase in profit margins.Without the operation strategic change their productivity would not be ‘600%' higher. According to Hayes and Wheelwright CDC are trying to ‘implement' the best practice they can find by keeping production costs to a minimal but also producing large volumes efficiently. CDC should to this extent stay on the ‘stage 3' strategy as they have to be also wary of the external operations taking place such as the competitors in the market. There has o be an understanding with where the market is going and assess its operation performance objectives at a regular level internally and externally.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Conflict on a Trading Floor

Conflict on a Trading Floor The case describes the ethical dilemma occurred in FirstAmerica Bank. The sales department of the bank was preparing a 700 mln. USD loan contract for one of the bank’s former client: Poseidon Cruise Lines. Poseidon intended to order a large cruise ship for their fleet to a French shipyard, which required a contract to be signed for five years and in French francs. This in turn raised concerns in Poseidon management, related to the possible economic costs/losses related to dollar-franc exchange transaction risks, since the cash flow of Poseidon was in dollars. The contract elaboration was assigned to Linda, one of the top salespersons of the FirstAmerica bank and the author of article, as an assistant to her. Linda had a reputation of being volatile and hot tempered person, with aggrieve business style. She was particularly known for her prudence in receiving full credit for the good results of closed deals by her. Since Linda had personal relationships with the CFO and treasurer of Poseidon, she proposed to elaborate a structure, which will minimize the Poseidon costs and risks for those transactions. The elaborated scheme suggested that FirstAmerica provides francs to Poseidon in several tranches and receives the interest rates and loan principal in dollars, thus eliminating Poseidon’s franc obligations. In reality the scheme developed by Linda was offering much more profit for the bank and cost for Poseidon, than it was observed in terms of other usual transactions. This resulted in dilemma for the author, since a definite mismatch between his personal values, ethics and his expected behavior occurred. He knew that this transaction is not the best option for the client and the agreement was obtained in the result of deception from Linda’s side. The dilemma has different dimensions, such as prudential, economic and ethical. The prudential dimension exists, since (1) the author feels him owing to Linda, as she has played a great role in hiring the author by the bank, (2) he has a fear of losing a promising job and (3) he wants to show up as a good employee. The economic dimension of the dilemma was that he feels responsible for his job duties and wants to ensure good economic indicators for the bank, as well as they both will receive significant bonuses based on the volume of contract. The ethical aspect of the dilemma was that the author didn’t like lying and values honesty and has a fear of negative consequences. The alternatives that the author has are as follows: a) follow Linda and keep silence, b) speak with Linda, but state the problem in terms of consequences, c) refuse to collaborate with Linda, d) inform Poseidon on the problems, and e) inform higher level of management. By following Linda and keeping silence the author can satisfy his prudential and economic concerns but feel remorse and personal discrepancies in terms of personal ethics. Talking to Linda and stating the problem in terms of consequences can produce positive impact for all dimensions of the problem if she agrees and negative impact for all dimensions if she disagrees. By refusing to collaborate with Linda, the author will satisfy his ethical concerns, but is risking losing his job and sacrificing prudential and economic concerns. By informing Poseidon on deception the outcomes could be the same as with previous alternative, as well as can face legal concerns in terms of information secrecy. Informing higher level of management will produce a positive impact if the management agrees with the arguments, or will produce negative impact, if the management disagrees. The most important issue to consider, is that if the client learns about deception, then there will be no any positive outcomes from the alternatives, which consider continuation of deception. The probability of that to happen is very high, since the client was not yet fully convinced and probably will try its investigation further. Taking into consideration all above mentioned, the best solution appears to be speaking to Linda and if necessary to higher level management, but clearly state the possible consequences of the action and not just higher than usual profit of the bank. If the possible consequences are stated properly, there is higher probability of stakeholders to agree with arguments and arrive at the most desired outcome in this situation. If this doesn’t happen, than this bank is not the place to work.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Most criminologists use a legal definition of crime

Crime is an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited. It is a criminal activity that engaged in fights and riots. These definitions connote negative impact to crime and as what it always does to human minds. Stereotyping will always apply every time people encounter the word crime as dangerous, harmful and destructive to humankind and the state. Sociologists define it as deviant act, non-conforming to society’s standard and violating all the rules that the state set up. Thus every act that does not conforms or follows the society’s standards are all considered crime and doers are criminals. Simple violations like way walking, loitering, over speeding, and making noise that disturbs the public are all considered crimes because it violates the society’s rules. To the extent that simple offender will easily be judge as criminal, thus given sanction and punished before the law, no matter how big or small the case was, as long as he/she committed violations punishment, is still given to him/her. Human law or society set standard are said to be righteous thus to be tag on and respected by all. All human kinds are abided to conform the said rules and standard. Acts, which are not set as correct by the state standards, are all crime and sin according to society’s laws. Violators of such are therefore tagged as criminal and thus sin committers. Every rules have corresponding sanctions, thus violators are subject to punishment base on how destructive and offensive the crime may be to people and to the state. Not all people in a state or society are all aware the rules to abide in their respective society. Many were punished without knowing what offenses they are committing or what violation they do. In addition, many are not conscious to policy and sanctions to the said laws. Thus, offenders effortlessly surrender their selves to avoid any possible trouble of non-conformance. With these, Australia New Zealand Policing Support Agency (ANZPSA) was established to give policy support, strategic advice, research, knowledge management and information giving out capacity across jurisdictions. This represents a momentous change in approach that involves the union of functions. An implementation team has been established too to commence the practical arrangements for the creation of the new organization. This agency was created to investigate possible causes of offenses, and possibly give massive information on how to avoid and handle crimes that may occur. This includes, thorough analysis of a certain case, its implications and root cause why such crime/offenses arise. There are many crimes reported everyday throughout the country. Each one needs a kin and careful investigation because authority cannot easily accuse the suspect as guilty without proper jurisdiction. Cases are being study, offenders are questioned; his/her family background, his/her status and the reason behind his offenses are also investigated. If suspect is proven guilty before the law, sanctions and punishments are given. This punishment varies from case to case bases, which are also set together with the rules and standard of a certain community. There are also violations that need not to punish right away. Offenders are usually given warnings or let be pay for a certain amount. Mostly are jaywalkers and loiterers. Crimes may vary from country to country, depending on how such country set its norm. According to National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) U.S most common committed crimes are gang crime, hate crime, organized crime, property crime, trafficking in persons, public offenses and drug crime, ( Drug crime as the most common offenses committed anywhere; cause so much damage that resulted to other related crimes. Drug and alcohol crime are offenses that involve many related crime doers. These include the user and the pusher. User may led to addiction which may caused him/her to do acts which are not set as standards to the society as a whole, like theft, rape, and robbery that resulted to public disturbance and destructions. Crime involving drugs is most rampant violation that every one encounters, because drugs is present anywhere people go. Most people have access to it; even young ones can afford to hand it due to simple and easy to have resources. The Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring program (ADAM) deals the level of drug and alcohol use in risky population of people. They are designed to investigate on how do arrestees use the drugs, how frequent they use how they obtain it and what push them to do so. These data’s are collected either thru personal interview with the arrestees and careful observations. Dosage of offenders’ intake is also measured thru test and urinalysis. Investigations always occur during the arrest and not later than 48 hours to make documentation for proper reporting and study to come up a correct and accurate report on what alcohol and drugs are commonly abused and the effect it cause to the user and to the public. Crime as a deviant behavior said to violate a prevailing norms especially cultural standard that dictates people on how to behave well and what someone should avoid to do, (Berger, 1963). This view consider the complicated facts surrounding the definition of crime and seeks to understand how changing social political, psychological and economic conditions may affect the current definition of crime and the form of legal law enforcement. Crime perception may change from time to time. This changes depends on the cultural shift of one society also, which affects the criminal statistics rates of the state as well. Socio-economic status of one place plays a role in crime rate also. For example, in a drastically losing its resources country/society may affect the attitude of the people to crave for food for living especially if there is scarcity of its supply in their respective community. Scarcity of jobs will also affect criminal rate of a certain place. Absence may lead people to commit some expected job-less related crime like theft and robbery. If one place is in famine or less job opportunities, it is expected that crime will also rise. On the other hand, if the state is in good economic standing, crime rate will also lessen. Economic change and cultural shift determines the allocation of resources for the enforcement of law, and influences public opinion. In addition, changes in criminal rate will also affect on how the public think and perceived crime. Such adjustments, allied with the experience of people in their everyday lives, shape attitude to the extent to which the law should be used to enforce any particular social norms. There are many ways that behavior can control without having to resort criminal justice system, in those cases where there were no clear consensus on the given norm. The use of the criminal law by the group of authority to prohibit a particular action maybe considered improper for the others. Crime as called deviant act will also have a corresponding punishments attach to it. Every person involve is given an equivalent sanction to the crime committed. In such a way that the said criminal be stop and further damage to the public and to the state can then be avoided, because the state or the authority believes that allowing any crime to occur without doing any action is just like letting harms to spread without any preventing or stopping device to control it. This process involves criminalisation, with the involvement of the state as the authority to control the said crimes. It is a crime reduction device restricting individual liberty to minimize harm to others. Though every citizen has the right to liberty but not all liberty is harm-free to others. Because hat maybe considered crime to the others may not be crime for the other party. Criminalisation may provide future harm reduction even after the occurrence of crime, assuming that those act are more likely to cause further damage in the future. Criminalisation is intended for the crime doers to pay their crime offenses to stop the act at the early stage to prevent and minimize criminals. In this case criminalisation is a way to set the reward that criminals must have after committing certain evil action that are considered threat to the peacefulness of the society as a whole. In addition; criminalisation can be viewed as a state sanctioned to the crime doers. Because I personally believed that once a person is not aware of his deeds, whether he/she already caused damage to the others will continuously patronage his/her action if not being reprimanded of his wrong doings. In this sense, sanctions must be something that could make evildoers awake then, if not he/she more likely to repeat the said action again and again. Crime rate is measured to determine the number or crime incidence happen in that particular place. In order to compare on what specific year and month that crime rate rise and fall, so that the public has the idea when to be more careful and not as well as to be more familiar with the places where crime rate is high. Countries and societies have different methods in measuring crime rate. Some used survey, personal interviews and sample sampling. In Australia, they use fact and figures to gather and determine the occurrence of crime, which come from a variety of sources. They use two types of collection data. Namely, administrative and survey method. Both types of information needed to help our comprehension of the level and effects of crime to the people and in the community. The sources they use with these issues are listed in the reference for future retrieval and comparison. Administrative collection for criminal justice agencies keep record of their work process and progress related to crime in different stages. Criminal cases are being divided into different agencies to handle with in order for it to be carefully tackle. In addition, public has the idea on what agency to look for in looking for a particular crime. For example police keep incidents record, court record the details of cases and their disposition and correction agencies have details of the offenders and their corresponding charges. Most crime information come from administrative collections which tackle the whole population that come into contact with the criminal justice system and remain stable in terms of data collection and sources for the long period of time. There are limitations on spreading of the said data, including comparison across agencies and jurisdictions. For example police record details about offenses, courts record cases and correction agencies for the information about individuals’ prisoners. Although improvement arises in workflow of the said data sources, data definitions and collecting method used are not always the same across jurisdiction and recording quality maybe vary. It takes time to come up with an agreement at a national level on the key issue including definitions of new and arising violations. More detailed and close likely to accurate information about crime and justice is often available at the jurisdictional level, even when it is not possible to come up with national statistics. Not all crime is reported to police. Thus not all crimes were record and collected information then. Unreported crimes usually occur at rural areas where people do not have enough access to authority. Minor crimes like theft, sexual assaults, and minor incidence are the usual crime that is most commonly unreported. Twenty percent of crime related to sexual assaults is believed to be unreported and almost ninety five percent for motor vehicle thefts incidence. This is the reason why other sources of data collection use the method of asking questions to the public in order to come up with the highest and lowest common answers. These answers are then recorded in a similarly uniform way so that the information they provide is reliable and comparable. Crime surveys are believed to produce more accurate vision of actual crime rate in a particular society. Although survey is said to be more accurate than the others there is still possibilities of error with regard of its percentage, due to small sample population involved. But percentage of errors is also being recorded in order to determine the error. Crime brought negative connotation to individuals’ perception and thinking, based on how the state or society label it as such also. The imposed and practice rules and regulation culturally embraced society, because society has its norms and standard to follow. Doing the opposite to the said norms is therefore considered deviant. Thus doers are labeled as shame to the family where she/he belongs and to the community as a whole. These are labeled as such because the society set it as such also, and the people therefore are obliged to observe and follow the norms being an occupant of the society. Therefore, people committing such deviant acts are subject to face and suffer before the law. The consistent problem has been to justify the society’s use of force to coerce with its law. Natural law theory posits that the standard of morality are derived from or constructed by the nature of the world or of human beings. Thomas Aquinas said: â€Å" the law and measure of human acts is the reason which is the first principle of human acts.†( Since people are by nature rational beings, it is morally appropriate that they should behave in a way that conforms to their rational being. Thus any law must conform to natural law and coercing people to conform to that law is morally acceptable. Every human actions deal always with morality. The problem may arise if ones moral act which is set his/her nature may not be moral to the others, which probably came from other society whose moral value are not the same. Thus crime may also result to. But in dealing with these issues both parties involve must understand and know each others moral value to compromise to possibly eradicate the arising trouble, as well as the authority who have the power to weigh and decide it all. Majority of natural law theorist accepts that the primary function of the law is to enforce the prevailing morality. The problem with this is that it makes any moral criticism, if conformity with natural law is necessary conditions for legal validity. It s always necessary for the existing law to be just and fair to all individuals in a society. Equal treatment and punishment must be given to offenders regardless of their ethnicity, status and socio-economic standing. The law may be acceptable but the use of state power to citizens to comply with that law is not morally justified. Crime may be characterized as the violation of individual rights. Since right are considered as natural and crime as a man-made labeling. Therefore crime is also natural. Perfect example for this is that man’s nature is to look for food for survival, and he must take some actions on how to get his/her basic needs. In remote areas for example most people get their food anywhere they want and with any method they knew. Some cultivate food in their own, using the land they found regardless of the ownership of the said land. Whether it owns by the state or by other people. With this scenario, in natural moral aspect the act is right and legal because the nature dictates man to have food to survive. On the other hand, human implemented law states that it is illegal and criminal because of using the land which is own by the other people. It is invasion of property if the society law calls it. In this case, the man, which is just doing things that is for him legal, will be hold and question by the state before the law. Natural theory therefore distinguishes between criminality, which is derived from human nature, and illegality, which is derived from the interest of those in power. This view leads to a seemingly paradox that an act can be illegal that is no crime, while criminal act could be perfectly legal. Reference: Books: Berger, Peter. (1963). Introduction to Sociology, Doubleday and Co., Inc. New York. Dostoevsky, Fryodor. (1981). Crime and Punishment, Bantam Books. New York. Feinberg, Joel. (1973). Social Philosophy, Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey. Halt, William. (1973). Social Control, Rinehart and Winston Inc. Forth Worth. Hess, Beth. (1976). Sociology, Prentice Hall. New York. Hudson, Helen. (1985). Criminal Trespass, G.P. Putnam’s sons. New York. Lerry G. Lao-Valdez. (2005). Introduction to Literature: A Book Of Reading†, Julbert Press. Department of English, College OF Arts & Social Sciences, MSU,   IIT, Iligan   City. Sanchez, Custodiosa. (1997). Contemporary Social Problems and Issues, National Bookstores. Manila.    Internet: Australasian Centre for Policing Research ( Australian Legal Information Institute ( (legal resources Crime. ( Crime meaning. ( Criminality. ( Law Enforcement Links (viewed 19 April 2006) National Criminal Justice reference Service (      

Friday, September 13, 2019

Morale in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Morale in the Workplace - Essay Example In the workplace, employee morale can best be defined as the emotional state of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, and overall willingness to perform assigned tasks. In today's business world, managerial professionals must come to recognize the psychological principles guiding human behavior. Oftentimes, the emotional needs of an employee are substantial drivers for motivation and commitment. If these needs are not sufficiently acknowledged, diminished commitment to long-term employment and decreased productivity are often the end result. Thus, the implication is for modern business leadership to recognize the employee as more than simply a paid laborer, but as a vital resource to securing business performance. As such, corporate management must consistently work toward mutually-beneficial peer/subordinate relationships and formulate methods to increase employee morale for the sake of preserving a harmonious, productive work environment. High employee morale can be linked to higher levels of corporate profitability as well as creating an effective, cohesive team of internal professionals who find adequate satisfaction with their job functions. Low employee morale can lead to substantially decreased motivation to perform as well as costing an organization substantial financial resources to combat high employee turnover rates. Esteem needs and self-esteem are universal human requirements, suggesting that every individual desire to feel important, needed, useful and respected.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

2 - Assignment Example Freytags pyramid remains to be effectively applied in the modern literary and film studies. The aim of the current work is to analyze the film â€Å"Our time is up† from the position of its plot structure. Thus, the definitions and the main functions of exposition, inciting event, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution will be given and exemplified by the scenes from the film accordingly. Exposition is defined as â€Å"the background material that the reader or viewer needs to understand the rest of the plot. The reader meets the main characters, learns key pieces of information† (Burns, 2014), and â€Å"tells the reader WHEN & WHERE a story takes place† (Tiffany, 2010). Exposition of the film â€Å"Our time is up† shows usual routine of Dr. Sterns life. He wakes up at 7:00, chooses suit, makes coffee at 7:15, picks the daily newspaper â€Å"National Psychiatrist†, reads it while drinking coffee and starts his sessions with patients. The following scenes of the film depict these sessions. The interviews are connected with doctors ordinary impassiveness phrases such as â€Å"Well, say more about that†, â€Å"Interesting. Why do you think that is?†, â€Å"How does it make you feel?†, â€Å"This seems to cause you a great deal of distress†, â€Å"That must be difficult for you†, which indicate that doctor is not deeply involved or interested in his patients problems. The question â€Å"Why do you think that is?† is heard twice, though in reference to different clients. The exposition part of the film finalizes with the following dialogue: Inciting moment (inciting event, inciting incident) was deemed by Freytag as a part of exposition. It is defined as an event which performs the â€Å"key conflict†, which sets the story in motion (Burns, 2014). Dr. Stern receives a call from Dr. Williams, who tells him the results of CT scanning: there are only six weeks remain for him to live. The inciting event is enforced with the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Contract law coursework - Consideration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Contract law coursework - Consideration - Essay Example The fact that past consideration cannot constitute valid consideration was depicted in Eastwood v Kenyon2. In this case the guardian of a young girl obtained a loan in order to defray the cost of her education. After the completion of her education this girl entered holy wedlock. Her husband agreed to repay the loan. The court opined that the guardian of the girl was not entitled to enforce the promise because of the fact that the loan was availed by him to educate the girl constituted past consideration which had been completed long before her husband had made the promise to repay this loan. However, in Pau On v. Lau Yiu Long past consideration was deemed to be good consideration. In this case the court decided that for a new contract, an advantage that was bestowed or a disadvantage that had been undergone in the past could be deemed to be valuable consideration if payment was forthcoming. Further, the court opined that commercial pressure cannot be considered to be coercion if it is a reasonable business practice3. In all such exceptional cases the original act should have been conducted by the promisee at the behest of the promisor; an unambiguous perception should exist between the parties that remuneration would be made available for performing the contract and the promisee should have agreed to these terms, prior to receiving the consideration, which must be enforceable as a legally binding contract. In the month of February road repair work commenced in front of Tommy’s establishment. This made access to Tommy’s establishment difficult and resulted in a drastic reduction of business. The Arcadia Company consented to reduce the rent, for a period of three months, to  £30 per week. The road repair work was over at the end of three months and normalcy was restored. However, due to the road repair work a lot of dust had accumulated and Tommy was compelled to engage

Special educational needs and additional educational needs Essay

Special educational needs and additional educational needs - Essay Example To meet these difficulties and help the children gain a normal life, Special and Additional Education Systems have been set up (Directgov, n.d.). Till date, Special Education Needs (SEN) and Additional Educational Needs (AEN) were meant to be synonymous but recently the term AEN is accepted to have an appropriate sense in this case. But anyhow, the objective of both the terms remains similar, i.e. providing the additional and special education to the children those who are needful. As such it becomes very necessary to understand where a child shall face problems in the learning process and identify them as soon as possible. One feature thereby, is that the children learn in a much decelerated speed when compared to other children at the same environment (Oldham Council, n.d.). With the prime objective to provide every child with SEN to attain their optimum potential in education and adulthood, the government of UK has laid down proper laws and educational systems. Such as, law of discrimination, funding and many more (Teacher Net, 2010). The concept and belief of SEN have stated traditionally that the best way to understand the special need of children with disabilities is by comparing their behaviour with other majority of children of the same age. Concisely, the factor of individual difference can state the needs of these children and also suggest a scope for their benefit. Although with a recent argument it has been concluded that more than individual differences the special needs of such children can be efficiently assessed when unsuitable environmental conditions are presented in front of a child. The basic problem with the approach of individual differences is that it is focused on the assumption that, differences that lie on the individual basis is not always appropriate as individual differences stand upon some active rudiments, i.e. biological and behavioural

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Financial advisor as a career choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Financial advisor as a career choice - Essay Example An illustration: an insurance agent is qualified to sell variable annuities and life insurance. Their compensation is in terms of commission, fees or both (DE GOEY, 2003, p. 65). A financial advisor has the following duties: they should be independent of influence from outside so as to make reasonable investment recommendations, their selection of brokers should be based on the ability of proper execution of their responsibilities, make inquiry of client’s objectives of investment, financial and other factors before any recommendations are drawn, and always let the client’s interest have the upper hand. As a financial advisor there necessary skills and qualities required. The skills are grouped into two, financial and non-financial skills. The non-financial skills needed are: Relationship-management skills This is a people skill required to excel in the career of a financial advisor. A financial advisor is required to listen, ask the right questions, counsel clients, ed ucate clients, resolve conflicts, and understanding the different personalities. They should be knowledgeable in psychology and finance as well, though research has it that â€Å"15% technical knowledge and 85 % psychology. Clients mostly approach a financial advisor in case they are spending a lot, saving nothing or even saving everything. Therefore they need a financial advisor who is not biased thus will attend to their needs and will assist them in making their decisions on finances. I have acquired the life skill which is essential in the profession of a financial advisor. The life skill I have acquired has been of help since I interact with my fellow colleagues and I am able to solve issues amongst us. Therefore becoming a financial advisor will not be challenging as I will be in a position to relate with my co-workers, boss, and the people outside the firm. This could result to a recommendation of a client to me and it could warrant a promotion. According to chapter 8 of Fit zsimmons and Fitzsimmons for any improvement in performance there should be suitable management skills. Personal skills; I am competent enough to manage equally I have been a leader. The relations that I have created in college are evidence that in a job market I can create a good relationship with my co-workers, bosses, and people around me. At times the advisor goes to the extent of making less money so as to create good relationship hence develop a long-term relationship of trust. Leverage comes about after offering quality services and in return they get referrals of other clients and the satisfied clients are willing to offer more for consultancy. With trust the client follows the guidelines of the advisor. The interests of the client should be placed above your own (KANDAMPULLY, 2012, p. 68). Communication skills. They should be articulate, good in writing and presentation skills to assist a client With the appropriate communication skills it is possible to explain to the cust omer the available investment opportunities. A financial advisor should be ready to be involved in a one-on-one discussion with a client since that is the main role. Ability to take and relate complex investment ideas and strategies to their clients in a manner that is effective and simple. Professional competence and no arrogance should be reflected in their communication. Empathy coupled with confidence have created a communication style that is powerful. The module has improved my communication and listening skills in a great way. Personally: I have learnt to be confident with what I say. I have learnt to relate